Filip Moroder Doss - Wood carver from Val Gardena
Exploring the indefinite ways giving to everyone of us the chance to get knowledge about his natural origin and religious culture, may be a difficult and at the same time fascinating venture. A method of equal apply, coming from the logical conception and the form and with an intelligent use of materials like wood, marble, steel, bronze, crystal, is getting on a lively exchange with balancing plastic fineness, being the result of a study of the way of expressing and the mastery of a sculptor's technique, grown since the childhood by the father's school. The dialogue between several materials, not necessarily depending on the ensemble playing of the figures, shows a larger independent perfection of the forms, reached by the ambitious structural interventions at the free field, where every new plastic insertion has to be integrated into the architectural rhythm of the urban sphere. Filip Moroder Doss assumes in his works the affiliation to the origin of the spiritual and material culture of his land, without being blinded in any way by the materialistic world of the globalization. Formed by the original essence, there is a personal mode of expressing in it, coming from a résumé of inherited influences of styles. |